Lab for Emerging Device Technologies (LEDT)
The research in the lab for advanced devices pursues the development and investigation of various novel devices and methods ranging from bioinspired light trapping based on nanophotonic phenomena to biological sensing based on novel advanced field-effect devices exploiting electrostatic effects at nanoscale level for the realization of high performance, low cost and low power label-free, real-time and specific biosensing devices.
The research involves experimental as well as analytical and numerical work. The experimental work focuses on device fabrication and optoelectronic characterization using advanced optical near-field microscopy, far-field spectroscopy and device electronic measurements. In our analytical and numerical research work we use advanced finite-element tools for device calculations as well as numerical methods to solve complex electromagnetic problems.
Prof. Gil Shalev, Head of the Lab
Prof. Gil Shalev is the head of the lab for advanced devices at the school of electrical and computer engineering, Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, Israel. Gil received his bachelor and master degrees in physics at the Tel-Aviv University, and his Ph.D. in physical electronics in Tel- Aviv University, as well. He held a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute (Germany) where he worked on integrating nanotechnology with advanced schemes for silicon-based photovoltaics. Gil teaches Introduction to semiconducting devices, advanced electronic devices and fundamentals in photovoltaic technology.